Cincinnati Music Accelerator (CMA) is Ohio’s first music career accelerator organization focused on making Cincinnati a music city through job placement and education. Within 4 years, CMA has impacted the Cincinnati region through dedicated and focused development of music creatives within the community it serves. CMA was founded by Cincinnati native, Kick Lee, as a People’s Liberty project in 2017. Since then, hundreds of musical entrepreneurs have been supported within the region. CMA continues to support the community through programs such as The Street Stage Project (SSP), in partnership with Cincinnati Center City Development Corp. (3CDC), bringing music to the streets of the Central Business District and Over-The-Rhine, the CMA Mobile Stage trailer used for activates in various communities in the region, highlighting local musicians, the Music Business Academy which educates and empowers emerging musicians, DJs, Producers, Music Managers, or anyone looking to bolster their music education.
Because of CMA’s efforts, musicians feel empowered about who they are and their craft. CMA encourages imagination and innovation to build diverse relationships that enable music arts to enrich lives. At Cincinnati Music Accelerator, equality is afforded to everyone, regardless of their unique place in the diversity spectrum.
CMA attributes its success to the people and community they serve. They believe that Cincinnati has the power to become a vibrant music city. Through the art of music, an everlasting and sustainable impact can be made on the community’s ecosystem, and for the community to thrive, the music creatives within our community must thrive as well.
CMA's Core Values
Our mission is supported by our commitment to these values…
We encourage imagination and innovation in everything we do.
We build diverse relationships that enable the music arts to enrich lives.
We pursue superior quality and continuous improvement in every aspect of the organization.
We are responsive, courteous, and respectful in all of our interactions.
We build trust by keeping our promises and acting in a responsible and accountable manner consistent with our mission.
We operate with an entrepreneurial spirit, value creativity, and celebrate courageous innovation.
At CMA, equality is afforded to everyone regardless of his or her unique place in the diversity spectrum to broaden our cultural experience.
Our Goal
To Build Cincinnati into a Music City
Our Mission
To help monetize our indie music creatives